Tips To Make A Small House Seem Bigger

Living in a small house in Pittsburgh comes with its unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to creating a sense of spaciousness. 

But with a few strategic choices, you can make even the coziest of spaces feel larger and more open. 

This article provides practical tips for Pittsburgh residents looking to enhance their living space without moving walls.

Without further ado, let’s get into the details. 

Maximizing Space with Multifunctional Furniture

When space is at a premium, every inch counts. Choosing the right furniture can make all the difference in a small house. Opt for pieces that serve multiple purposes. For example, a sofa bed can double as a guest bed, or an ottoman with storage can keep clutter at bay while providing additional seating.

Selecting furniture that is proportionate to the room is also key. Oversized pieces can overwhelm a small space, making it feel cramped. Instead, choose sleeker, more compact designs. Floating shelves and wall-mounted desks are excellent as they don’t take up floor space, creating a more open feel in the room.

Furthermore, using furniture with exposed legs can create a sense of openness, as it allows light to flow through the space more freely. The key is to keep it simple and uncluttered. Remember, in a small house, less is often more.

Letting in the Light with Window Upgrades

One of the most effective ways to make a small space feel larger is by maximizing natural light. Replacing old windows with larger ones not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also plays a crucial role in creating the illusion of space. Larger windows allow more light to enter, which brightens the room and makes it feel more open and airy.

For those living in Pittsburgh, it’s essential to consult with local experts for this upgrade. Local window replacement experts are familiar with the architectural styles and weather conditions unique to the area. 

They can provide tailored advice on the best types of windows for your home, ensuring that they are not only functional but also complement the style of your house.

Working with Pittsburgh window replacement experts also ensures that the installation is done correctly, which is crucial for energy efficiency, especially during those chilly Pittsburgh winters. Properly installed windows can help reduce heating costs while making your space look and feel bigger.

Color and Decor Tricks to Expand Your Space

Colors play a crucial role in how we perceive space. Lighter colors, such as whites, creams, and pastels, reflect light, making rooms appear brighter and more open. Painting walls and ceilings in light shades can create an illusion of depth and height.

Mirrors are also a fantastic tool for creating the illusion of space. When strategically placed, they reflect both natural and artificial light, brightening the room and giving the impression of an extended area. Large, full-length mirrors or a collection of smaller mirrors can effectively amplify the sense of space.

Minimalistic decor is another key aspect. Overdecorating can make a room feel cluttered and cramped. Instead, opt for a few well-chosen pieces that complement the room without overwhelming it. Remember, sometimes, simplicity is the most elegant form of sophistication, especially in a smaller space.

Creating an Illusion of Space with Strategic Wall Treatments

Wall treatments can dramatically alter the perception of space in a small house. When used cleverly, they can trick the eye into seeing a larger area than actually exists. One effective method is the use of vertical or horizontal stripes in wallpapers or paint. Vertical stripes can make ceilings appear higher, while horizontal stripes can make a room seem wider. The key is to choose subtle, light colors to prevent the space from feeling closed in.

Another approach is the use of large-scale art or decals. A single large painting or a bold graphic decal can serve as a focal point and draw the eye, creating a sense of depth. This technique works better than using multiple small pieces, which can clutter the wall and make the space feel confined.

In addition, consider the finish of your wall treatments. Glossy finishes reflect light, enhancing the bright, airy feel of a room. Matte finishes, on the other hand, can absorb light, making a space feel smaller. Selecting the right finish can be a game-changer in how your room feels.

Remember, the walls are not just boundaries of your living space but a canvas to enhance its perceived size. Use them wisely to create the spacious home you desire.

Smart Lighting for a Spacious Feel

Lighting can make or break the perception of space in a home. Layered lighting is essential in small spaces. This includes a mix of ambient (general), task, and accent lighting. Recessed lighting is a great choice for small rooms, as it doesn’t take up physical or visual space.

Consider the use of wall sconces and pendant lights. These types of fixtures provide necessary lighting without cluttering the space. Adjustable lights are also useful as they can be directed to specific areas or corners, helping to open up the room and highlight key features.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of natural light. It’s the most effective way to brighten up a space and make it feel more open. Sheer curtains or blinds allow light to filter through while providing privacy, making them an excellent choice for small homes.


Transforming a small house in Pittsburgh into a seemingly larger space is all about smart design choices. From multifunctional furniture to strategic lighting, each element

plays a crucial role in creating the illusion of space. Remember, the goal is not just to make your house look bigger but to enhance its functionality and comfort, making it a place you love to call home. With these tips, your cozy Pittsburgh residence can feel spacious, welcoming, and stylish all at the same time.

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